This detailed travel map is all you need to plan your route and navigate your way around Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos, and also includes area highlights, top attractions, places of interest, street plans, and a fabulous free app.
? Travel Map Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos is drawn to scale and shows all three countries, complete with a comprehensive index
? Ideal for planning your route, and on-the-road-exploring
? Includes free app, with top travel tips, and additional area highlights
? Features detailed street plan of Hanoi
? outlines top attractions and places of interest, including national parks, nature reserves and heritage sites
? Handy distance indicators, located in the margin, give distances to the nearest town and major locations
? Shows roads, rail networks and ferry routes
? Pictorial symbols allow for instant, easy recognition
? Detailed topography, through the use of relief shading, with mountain ranges named, and peak heights given
? Legend shown in eight languages
- Product Languages: English
- Folded Size: 10.24 x 5.12 inches
- Unfolded Size: 44.49 x 37.8 inches
- Newest Version of this Product: Yes