Folded road and tourist map of Sri Lanka. Features insets of Colombo, Anuradhapura, Galle, Jaffna, Kandy, Dalada Maluwa, Hikkaduwa, Mihintale, Negombo, Polonnaruwa, Unawatuna.
Relief representation in all our maps is provided by lavish hand shading. So, you get a vivid mental picture of the scenery. Roads are provided with an exact distance. Sights are highlighted extra clearly so that you don't miss any tourist attractions. City maps and detailed plans to make it even easier for you to get your bearings, our maps also contain maps of the wider area, city maps and detailed plans, e.g. of important archaeological sites.
- Product Languages: English, French, German
- Folded Size: 9.84 x 4.33 inches
- Unfolded Size: 35.04 x 19.69 inches
- Newest Version of this Product: Yes