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1990 New York City Map by National Geographic Maps
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1990 New York City Map by National Geographic Maps
EVMapLink.com Price: $19.95
Publication Year: 1990
Product Type: Wall Map
MapLink Code: PODHNG_US_NYC_90
Coverage: |United States|NY|

Quantity in Stock:100

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Availability:: Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Business Days
Product Code: 2321706M

Published in September 1990, the New York City map is part of the "Special Places of the World" series. An abundance of text, notes, and several individual maps highlight such elements as population density, ethnic diversity, and income of the residents of New York City. Half of a two-map set, this map accompanied a map of Manhattan and three articles on the city.
  • Product Languages: English
  • Map size: 31.25 x 10 inches
  • Newest Version of this Product: Yes