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Mexico Classic Wall Map (34.5 x 22.5 inches) by National Geographic Maps
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Mexico Classic Wall Map (34.5 x 22.5 inches) by National Geographic Maps
EVMapLink.com Price: $14.95
Publication Year: 2006
Map Scale: 1:4,370,000
Product Type: Wall Map
MapLink Code: NG_MEX_WA_S
Coverage: |Mexico|

Quantity in Stock:7

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Availability:: Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Business Days
Product Code: 2288565M

National Geographic's wall map of Mexico is one of the largest and most detailed maps of the country. The signature Classic style design uses a bright, easy-to-read color palette. This map features thousands of place names, accurate political boundaries, national parks including Cumbres de Monterrey National Park, biosphere reserves including El Vizcaino Biosphere Reserve, archeological sites including the ruins of the Yucatan Peninsula, and major infrastructure networks such as roads, canals, ferry routes, and railroads. Mexico's diverse terrain is detailed through accurate shaded relief, coastal bathymetry, and symbolism for water features and other land forms. Elevations of major peaks are expressed in both feet and meters, and depth soundings are expressed in fathoms.
  • Product Languages: English
  • Map size: 22.5 x 34.5 inches
  • Newest Version of this Product: Yes