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Bahamas Fish Card, Bahamas Fish Card by Frankos Maps Ltd.
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Bahamas Fish Card, Bahamas Fish Card by Frankos Maps Ltd.
EVMapLink.com Price: $6.00
Publication Year: 2011
Map Scale: Not drawn to scale
Product Type: Flat Map
MapLink Code: FM_BAH_FISH
Coverage: |Bahamas|

Quantity in Stock:4

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Availability:: Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Business Days
Product Code: 2043029M

90 species of tropical Bahamas reef creatures are beautifully packed into one little colorful 4" x 6" fish card. This is an economical, generic Bahamas fish ID card, featuring a huge variety of reef creatures. They include the graceful rays, the tiny fairy basslet, groupers, butterflyfishes, angelfishes, triggerfishes, wrasse, turtles, and many more. These Caribbean fishes are beautiful, and this fish card makes it easy for the scuba diver or snorkeler to identify many of the most common ones. Yours truly wishes you the best of times next time you are in the Bahamas, snorkeling or scuba diving for a face-to-face encounter with the wonderful and colorful reef creatures identified on your Franko's Bahamas Reef Creatures Guide.
  • Product Languages: English
  • Map Size: 5.5 x 8.5 inches / 13.97 x 21.59 cm
  • Newest Version of this Product: Yes