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China by Hema Maps
China by Hema Maps
EVMapLink.com Price: $12.95
Publication Year: 2012
Map Scale: 1:4,000,000
Product Type: Folded Map
MapLink Code: HEMA_CHN
Coverage: |China|Japan|Hong Kong|Vietnam|Russia|Korea|South|Korea|North|Mongolia|Himalaya|Siberia|Fukuoka-shi|Beijing|Hiroshima-shi|Zhengzhou|Hong Kong|Chengdu|Dhaka|Chongqing|Xi'an|Datong|Irkutsk|Taiyuan|Shenyang|Dalian|Soul-si|Incheon|Vladivostok|Jilin|

Quantity in Stock:99

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Availability:: Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Business Days
Product Code: 2030389M

Road and travel map of China with shaded relief in subtle colors. Folded paper map with protective card weight cover. Includes Mongolia, Korea, most of Japan, and partial surrounding countries. Inset map of Beijing featurin Tiananmen Square. Distinguishes five types of roads from highways to tracks, shows road numbers and distances in kilometers. With this map, you can locate railways, airports, car ferries, national parks, places of interest ancient monuments, and time zone boundaries.
  • Product Languages: English, German, French, Italian, Czech
  • Folded Size: 9.84 x 5.12 inches
  • Unfolded Size: 37.01 X 46.06 inches
  • Newest Version of this Product: Yes