Start your own online map store

Our daily XML or XLS feed provides users with product data for over 12,000 products from over 100 different map publishers. Popular publishers include Benchmark Maps, DeLorme, Michelin, National Geographic, Rand McNally, Streetwise and many, many more. Visit our website at for a complete list of the publishers we carry. The feed can also be used to supply product updates to Amazon®, Ebay® or a host of other shopping sites.

EVML produces packing lists and shipping labels with the retailer’s logo and address allowing the retailer to maintain branding throughout the ordering and delivery process.

EVML can also offer aid setting up an e-commerce solution for its retailers. Retailers can control what products are displayed, maintain the e-commerce shopping cart, collect payment from their customers, and handle customer service matters. EVML fulfills the orders. Services are also available to help ‘skin’ the e-commerce site to allow retailers to fully customize the look and feel of their store.

If you would like EVML to drop ship for your store, please Contact Us at East View Map Link.

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